Tuesday, May 28, 2013

NHL Scouting Combine: Test Could Provide Red Flag for Injuries

Combine test could provide red flag for injuries - 2013 NHL Draft: Scouting Combine

Via NHL.com:
"[Montreal Canadiens scouting director] Trevor Timmins suggested the NHL consider FMS testing to see if we could incorporate it into our Combine," Marr said. "It doesn't necessarily pinpoint an injury; rather, it can indicate the potential or need for further examination and that's just as, if not more, important."

The test will be administered by York Fitness, which is headed by Dr. Norm Gledhill, a professor of kinesiology at York University. The FMS test, which includes a deep squat, hurdle step, lunges, shoulder mobility movements, leg raises and trunk stability pushups, likely will be held May 29-30, prior to the medical and fitness tests, which will be conducted May 31 and June 1."

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