Saturday, June 2, 2012

2012 NHL Mock Draft: Memorial Cup Edition - 2 Rounds | The Hockey Writers

1997 NHL Entry Draft
1997 NHL Entry Draft (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
2012 NHL Mock Draft: Memorial Cup Edition - 2 Rounds | The Hockey Writers:

"The actual 2012 NHL Entry Draft takes place on June 22nd-23rd in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Every year it seems I contemplate whether or not to go through the intriguing yet dubious task of putting together a mock draft. We all know how fascinating it is to go through the process of formulating which team should select which prospect and at what point in the draft. We also know how quickly a mock draft can go off the rails when the actual NHL draft takes place. Whether it be the Phoenix Coyotes going off the board to take a Blake Wheeler or theLos Angeles Kings selecting Thomas Hickey seemingly out of nowhere, one’s mock draft can be wrecked faster than Michael Grabner can do a lap around the rink. Of course, temptation got the best of me again yet again this season as today’s article embarks on my third mock draft of the season. March Madness Edition – detailed two round mock draft with rationale The January edition of my mock draft was titled: Fail For Nail or Mikhail"

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