Monday, February 2, 2009

Hockey's Version of the Hail Mary!

{click on title above for link}
As a transition from football to hockey, check out Mike Green's "Hail Mary" pass to Alexander Semin who finishes the play beautifully. The highlight is couresy of TSN and the play begins at about the 55 second mark of the video.

Kurt Warner played great yesterday, minus the interception at the end of the 1st half and the fumble at the end of the game. However, Arizona could've used a Mike Green-esque big play Hail Mary at the end of the game yesterday!
With 40 pts, and tied with Andrei Markov for dman scoring lead despite playing 12 fewer games, in 38 games and a plus/minus of +20, Mike Green has to be considered a strong Norris candidate this year. Any arguments?
Keep your stick on the ice,



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