Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Future of Puck re-branded as The Next Ones

Just a quick note to hopefully prevent reader confusion:

The Future of Puck (formerly "The Hockey Spy") has been re-branded as The Next Ones (from the files of The Hockey Spy). 

And...just to keep everyone dazed and confused, as if you just suffered a blind-sided head-shot or bitten finger courtesy of a Matt Cooke or a Alexander Burrows, recall my NHL 2011 Entry Draft Guide at THW is also known as The Next Ones

I hope you like the new format (not major changes, but some tidying up to make the site more user friendly). As well, stick tap to E-Mac's Top 120 for the NHL Draft hosted here at The Next Ones. Stay tuned for more from my other colleague, Sean Reznik, and his excellent Prospect Pursuit series. We'll also keep you posted with all my endeavours at The Hockey Writers as well.

In hockey,
-Chris Ralph
{Owner/Editor of The Next Ones}


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